Sunny Reach Int'l Corp

  • BIOMASS FUEL-wood pellet
    BIOMASS FUEL-wood pellet
  • BIOMASS FUEL-wood pellet
    BIOMASS FUEL-wood pellet
  • BIOMASS FUEL-wood pellet
    BIOMASS FUEL-wood pellet

BIOMASS FUEL-wood pellet

 BIOMASS FUEL-wood pellet

Biomass is plant or animal material used as fuel to produce electricity or heat. Examples are wood, energy crops, and waste from forests, yards, or farms.[1] Since biomass technically can be used as a fuel directly (e.g. wood logs), some people use the terms biomass and biofuel interchangeably. More often than not, the word biomass simply denotes the biological raw material the fuel is made of. The word biofuel is usually reserved for liquid or gaseous fuels, used for transportation. The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) follows this naming practice.